Medicare Supplement Insurance Explained

Medicare Supplement Insurance Explained

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans

What you need to know about Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans: Medicare supplement plans otherwise known as Medigap plans, are policies designed to cater for certain out-of-the pocket expenses such as coinsurance, deductibles and co-payments not covered by the Original Medicare Parts A and B. For instance, if Medicare covers for 80% of your medical expenses, then the other 20% will be paid for by a Medigap.

Choosing a Medicare Supplement Plan

Most states offer 10 different types of plans, each labelled with a specific letter, ranging from A through to N, that represents a different level of coverage. Note that since 2010, Plans E, H, I and J are no longer available to new members. To access a Medigap policy, you’ll need to pay a monthly premium. Having Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B, which fund hospital services and doctor services respectively, is also a requirement. Medigaps do not work with Medicare Advantage plans. Medigap plans in most states, usually offer the same standardized benefits based on the category identified by the letter. This means that the Plan B coverage provided by an insurance company in one location, is the same one offered across several other locations. What may vary however, is the premium costs among the insurance firms. Wisconsin, Massachusetts and Minnesota are the only states that standardize their Medicare Supplement plans differently.
Although it is not a requirement for insurance companies to provide all Medigap plan types, they are legally required to provide Plan A. In case an insurance company is looking sell additional Medigap plans, then it must choose between offering Plan C or Plan F.

Plan A covers the basic benefits such as hospitalization, hospice care and medical costs; and is usually charged at a lower monthly premium.

Plan B offer the same coverage as A, in addition to Part A deductible coverage.

Plans C and F are the most popular, as they cover key areas, at the most affordable rates compared to other plans.Plan C covers all the Plan A benefits, plus Part A and Part B deductibles coverage.

It also caters to emergency care abroad and skilled nursing care.

Plan F offers everything provided in Plan C, in addition to 100% of Part B excess charges- these are charges beyond what Medicare covers. Plan F also offers a highly deductible option, which can lower your premium. Plan G covers basic benefits, Part A deductible, skilled nursing care plus additional costs such as Part B excess charges and emergency care abroad.

Plans K and L also have lower monthly fees, although unlike the other Medigap plans, they only caters to a portion of the cost of most Medicare deductibles and coinsurances, until an annual out-of-pocket maximum is attained.

Plan N provide similar basic benefits, with 100% of the Part B coinsurance and copayments of up to 20% and 50% for office and emergency room expenses respectively. It also offers coverage for skilled nursing care, Part A deductible and emergency care abroad.

If you plan to buy a Medigap plan, then your enrollment period will be six months from the first day of the month of your 65th birthday, if you have already have a Medicare Part B; otherwise it will be within six months of your Medicare Part B subscription. Medigap plans are guaranteed renewable irregardless of your health or age, as long as you pay your premiums. The best way to compare plans before you buy is to work with independent broker like Alex Wender with Bluewave Insurance Services. He has a very informative website with reviews on popular Medicare Supplement Insurance carriers.

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Doctor’s offices are usually filled with motivational posters, such as “solve weight problems – save your health!” or something similar, but many tips on man’s health are universal, over-simplified and often – ineffective. There are many reasons why this is so, but people who are obese or overweight do not have time to read millions of articles on how to lose weight over a course of ten years or a lifetime – they want results as soon as possible. It is very easy to understand this desire, but a quick fix is also sometimes a wrong option. Therefore, it is important that you find a plan that suits your needs and has a proven success rate, and also that you set yourself realistic goals and milestones.


American society is experiencing an epidemic of obesity and health conditions that are directly caused by being overweight, but millions of people are completely ignoring the warnings, and they continue with their unhealthy lifestyles without even thinking about the consequences. And there are consequences, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, certain types of cancer, sleep apnea, kidney disease, etc. It is no wonder that those posters of Yoda in your doctor’s office say that by fixing weight problems – save your health you will!

addison_fields-300x201A lot of tips on man’s health concentrate on diet, and this is probably a good method, but a complete set of changes to your lifestyle will give the best results. However, this demands a lot of dedication, patience, and sometimes even a bit of experimenting. If you are committed to your goal, and stick to the plan – the results will be visible in the end, no doubt about that, but you just need to remain motivated and willing to do everything it takes to be healthy and vital again.

One of the most useful tips and the one that any article that gives tips on men’s health will give you is to get moving! Physical activity is a number one priority when you want to be healthy again, and there is no better way to losing weight than to start exercising on a regular basis. People who perform even the most basic of exercises, such as walking around the park or riding a bicycle will experience a strong boost of energy and their metabolism rate will increase, which will burn fat and make you fitter.

Lifting weights and going to the gym are always a good option, but these may even be too professional and too “time-consuming” for some people.

When it comes to diet, there are numerous ways in which you can make your meals healthier and lose the extra weight. For example, you should eat a lot of fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, etc. while you should minimize the intake of salt, sugar or starches (carbs). Having well-balanced meals is a bullet-proof way to success, and, very soon you will notice a decrease in your body mass index (BMI) and your waist circumference.

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As most of us know, losing weight is usually a very frustrating process, simply because pounds come back much faster than we “lose” them. With our stressful lifestyles and jobs that require us to spend a large part of the day in a sitting position – it is hard to be healthy and fit, especially if your genetics kicks in makes everything even harder. But, experts say that we must realize that being overweight or obese is a life-threatening situation and that we must act as soon as possible to prevent unwanted or even fatal consequences. To put this in other words, fix your weight problems – save your health!

أفضل 6 أطعمة من أجل قلب صحيThere are many health conditions and diseases that are directly caused by being overweight. Tips on man’s health usually only list those things that supposedly work for everyone, but in reality, people are usually left with a tough battle for their health and, in some cases – their lives. Being overweight or obese has become a common occurrence in today’s America, and what is even more worrying, a lot of children and adolescents are also experiencing these kinds of problems. By measuring your body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference, you can determine if you are in need of urgent medical health, but it is probably not that hard to see that you have too much weight when you cannot go up the stairs, fit in “normal” size clothes and so on.

It is clear that we, modern Americans, have a problem that is deeply rooted in our culture and everyday habits, which means that individuals are not the only ones to blame here. Our junk-food restaurants and unhealthy meals are offered on every corner, which makes it hard to resist the temptation. However, if your weight starts to increase at an abnormal rate, here are some of the diseases that may develop within your body: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, etc.

All of them are highly dangerous, and following several tips on man’s health can help you resolve weight problems and save you health.

Dicas-para-Acelerar-o-Metabolismo1For example, experts usually say that it is not necessary to make any drastic changes immediately (in most cases not), and a lot of them also point out the importance of long-term approach. The slow and steady decrease of body fat and unwanted weight is the best way in which your health will get back to normal. However, this activity demands patience, commitment, and a bit of experimentation to find the best method for your body type. Since we are all different, there is no universal plan or a 100%-working diet for losing weight that works equally good for everyone – so it is important to find out what your body needs, how it reacts to certain food, drinks, etc. Also, exercise and regular physical activity are immensely important, and they should also be a part of your daily routine. If you stay motivated long enough, your weight will come back to normal and your health will significantly improve.

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